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Knowledge Center
114 articles
B2B Rocket Roadmap
Introducing Sequences for B2B Rocket
Blacklisted Domains and Mailboxes, What Does It Mean?Checking if your domain is blacklisted is crucial for ensuring your emails aren't blocked or marked as spam.
Zapier Integration
FAQs - AI Agents

Detailed FAQs on utilizing AI agents to streamline operations.

What emails do my AI Agents send to prospects?
Can I increase the amount of emails that my AI Agents send?
How to Create an AI Agent?
How to Copy Public Chat Link for a Campaign?
How to Copy a Campaign?
How to View AI Agent Information?
How to Edit an AI Agent?
How to Stop a Campaign?
How to Access the AI Agents Module?
What does the AI Agents Module Include?
Can I Customize the AI-Generated Content?
How many Leads are Generated and What is the Daily Number of Emails Sent by B2B Rocket?
When do the AI Agents Start Prospecting?
Recording A Personal Video
What Level of Personalization is Done by AI Agents?
Can the Emails Sent by AI Agents Edited?
How to Conduct a Test Chat with an AI Agent?
Can I Review the Emails crafted by AI Agents before they are Sent?
What happens to AI Agents after I press the play button?
Can the AI Agents Send Emails in Other Languages?
How are Personalized Videos Used?
How many emails do AI Agents send?
What does the Landing Page Preview button do?
Process Halted
AI Agent Best Practices
How Long does it take for the Changes to Reflect in AI Agent?
How can I Search for Prospects who Use a Certain Technology?
Can I Modify the Email Templates?
Is it Possible to Receive a Copy of the Email in My Inbox?
How Long Do the AI Agents Take to Attain the Ability to Hit and Run at Pick?
When does a Campaign reach Autopilot Status?
How Does the AI Generate Varied Content?
Which Data Points are included in the Emails?
Can I Modify the Marketing Proposal?
What metrics are tracked if I use the "Redirect Link" as my call-to-action?
How can I import my own list of leads?