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How to Access Leads?
Updated over a week ago

1. Upon successful login, click Leads from the left navigation bar. Doing so takes you to the Leads screen.

2. Here, all the existing leads are segregated into different tabs that include All, Sent, Opened, Clicks, Conversations, Meetings, and Unsubscribe.

3. By default, the All tab is displayed. Here, all leads are tabulated via various columns that include #, First Name, Last Name, Title, Company, Location, Email, and Date.

4. To search for a specific contact, type the contact name in the Search Contact search bar located at the top-left corner of the grid.

5. To sort the leads with the oldest ones displayed first, click the Oldest First button located above the grid.

6. To export the contents of the grid in a .CSV file, click the Export button.

7. To transfer the leads to Zoho, click the Transfer to Zoho button.

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