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How to Access Calendar?
Updated over a year ago

1. Upon successful login, click Calendar from the left navigation bar. Doing so takes you to the Calendar screen.

2. Here, a calendar view is displayed that includes individual blocks representing each date.

​3. By default, the monthly view is displayed. However, you can switch to weekly view by clicking the Week button from the top.

​4. Meetings scheduled at a specific date are displayed via individual tiles inside that date container on the calendar.

​5. Clicking a meeting tile opens the selected meeting's details in a popup.

6. To join the call, click the Join to the call button.

​7. Clicking the Filter dropdown from the top-right corner of the screen reveals a list of filters based on which you can filter the displayed data. Here, you can filter the data based on meetings waiting for approval, accepted, rejected, or cancelled.

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