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How to Access Sent Leads?
Updated over a week ago

B2B Rocket > Left Navigation Bar > Leads

1. Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Leads screen.

2. From the tabs listed at the top, click Sent. Doing so takes you to the sent leads grid.

3. Here, data for the sent leads is tabulated via various columns that include #, First Name, Last Name, Title, Company, Location, Email, Timeline, and Email Status.

4. Clicking the icon from the Timeline column opens the timeline of the selected lead. Here, all stages of the lead generation are displayed.

5. Clicking the Current Stage button marks the step complete and takes you to the next step.

6. Once all steps are completed, they are displayed with a green tick mark.

7. Moreover, clicking the green tick mark icon from the Email Status column opens the details of the email status for the selected lead.

8. User actions like sorting, searching, export, and transfer to Zoho remain similar as described in the How to Access Leads? article.

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